Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in review

Today is the very last day in 2012.  And it's the perfect time to reflect on the ups, downs, lessons learned, and set those goals for 2013.

The biggest accomplishment from this year was becoming a certified Spinning instructor through Madd Dog Athletics.  It was a long day, but it was totally worth it in the end.  Now, teaching twice a week, I love bringing a good workout to the members.

We took our annual family vacation to Rehoboth Beach.  And it was such a fun week.  My family+my brother & his family+ my mom.   A week of no work, the beach, and ice cream - one of my favorite weeks of the year!!

I completed the Tri Fit training class through my Y, which helped me be a better biker and runner, but most importantly, a swimmer.  

I am looking forward to the new year, although '12 was a great one.  I am a big goal setter.  I like having something to work towards in my daily life.  It makes me a better person for achieving those goals and hopefully it teaches my daughters about goals and how important it is to achieve something you set out to accomplish.

So in 2013, I will...

  • complete a triathlon
  • run a half marathon
  • travel to Miami for WSSC

Here is the playlist I used last week for my end of the year class.

A Best of 2012 mix from my favorite, Steady 130.

Cheers to 2013!  I hope it is a stellar year for everyone.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Make Progress, Not Excuses

2013 is just around the corner.  I cannot believe that another year is coming to an end.  Here's a piece of advice that I started following two years ago... so as you start thinking about what you resolve for the New Year, think about this: